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 Page Table of Contents

Click on the appropriate topic below.
bulletAge requirements
bulletRank advancement for Venturers
bulletAlternate requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks
bulletAlternate merit badges for the Eagle Scout rank
bulletSelecting service projects
bulletAn introduction to merit badges
bullet Current merit badge pamphlet revision dates

Use of Required Merit Badges for Star and Life Ranks

(an editorial opinion)

The question has been raised on a number of occasions as to whether Lifesaving and Emergency Preparedness could both be used for the requirements for Star and/or Life rank advancement. The answer is YES they can, as can Swimming, Hiking, and Cycling.

Here is a direct quote from the requirements for Life:

  1. Earn five more merit badges (so that you have 11 in all), including any three more from the required list for Eagle.
    Name of Merit Badge
    ________________________________ (required for Eagle)
    ________________________________ (required for Eagle)
    ________________________________ (required for Eagle)

    bulletA Scout may choose any of the 15 required merit badges in the 12 categories to fulfill this requirement. See the Eagle rank requirements for a complete list of Eagle required merit badges.

The sentence, "A Scout may choose any of the 15 required merit badges in the 12 categories to fulfill this requirement," allows using Swimming, Hiking, Cycling, Lifesaving and Emergency Preparedness in any combination for the Star and/or Life ranks.

For example, a Scout could have all five of these Eagle required merit badges and one more Eagle or non-Eagle required for Star and be okay. Then to earn Life, the Scout must earn five more merit badges, of which at least three more are from the Eagle required list. Earning five more Eagle required merit badges would also be fine.

It is only when he gets to Eagle that he must have one from each of the 12 categories. At that point only, the extras move to the OPTIONAL category. An Eagle can, for example, have all 15 of the REQUIRED badges, and only 6 others, and that would be perfectly okay.

For reference, here is the related Eagle rank requirement:

  1. Earn a total of 21 merit badges (10 more than you already have), including the following:

    1. First Aid,

    2. Citizenship in the Community,

    3. Citizenship in the Nation,

    4. Citizenship in the World,

    5. Communications,

    6. Personal Fitness,

    7. Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving,


      (You must choose only one of these two merit badges. If you have earned more than one of
      the badges listed, choose one and list the remaining badge to make your total of 21.)

    8. Environmental Science,

    9. Personal Management,

    10. Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling,

      (You must choose only one of these three merit badges. If you have earned more than one
      of the badges listed, choose one and list the remaining badges to make your total of 21.)

    11. Camping, and

    12. Family Life.

      Name of Merit Badge

Troop 259


Troop 259

Copyright © 2006 - Boy Scout Troop 259