The Scout sign shows that you are a Scout. Give it each time you recite the Scout Oath and Law. When a Scout or Scouter raises the Scout sign, all Scouts should make the sign, too, and come to silent attention.
To give the Scout sign, cover the nail of the little finger of your right hand with your right thumb, then raise your right arm bent in a 90-degree angel, and hold the three middle fingers of your hand upward. Those fingers stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath. Your thumb and little finger touch to represent the bond that unites Scouts throughout the world.
The Scout handshake is made with the hand nearest the heart and is offered as a token of friendship. Extend your left hand to another Scout and firmly grasp his left hand. The fingers do not interlock.
The Scout salute shows respect. Use it to salute the flag of the United States of America. You may also salute a Scout leader or another Scout.
Give the Scout salute by forming the Scout sign with your right hand and then bring that hand upward until your forefinger touches the brim of your hat or the arch of your right eyebrow. The palm of your hand should not show.
![]() Troop 259