Sausage and Corn Bread Bake
Try substituting bacon for the sausage (even better - in addition to) and French bread chunks. I have added diced green peppers and skipped the potatoes, but usually add more bread to make up the difference. In this case I'll cover the bottom of the pan with the bread chunks, then layer it with sausage mix, and a top layer of cheese before pouring the egg mixture over it all. Sausage, eggs, cheese, bread, and sweet syrup. What more do you need for breakfast?
1 pound breakfast sausage, crumbled
1 medium white onion, diced
2 medium red potatoes, 1/2" cubes
2-3 slices bread (day old rolls are great)
6 large eggs
2 cups milk
1 cup shredded cheese, Colby Jack or sharp Cheddar
1 cup cornbread, pancake, or biscuit mix
1/2 cup maple syrup
salt and pepper, to taste
- Start your coals for a Dutch oven bake. Sufficient coals are needed for the 2 under / 2 over method depending upon the diameter of your Dutch oven, plus a few more - just in case. A 12 inch diameter Dutch oven needs 10 coals underneath and 14 coals on top.
- This yields an approximate temperature of 350 degrees in the Dutch oven.
- You can line the Dutch oven with aluminum foil or not. If not lined, use the sausage drippings to grease the bottom and sides of Dutch oven.
- Crumble sausage and brown in the Dutch oven, if it's not lined. Remove sausage and drain on paper towel. With the little amount of fat remaining in the pan from the sausage sauté the onions until translucent.
- While browning the sausage, beat the eggs and milk together. Add the cornbread, biscuit, or pancake mix of your choice. I am partial to cornbread for this recipe.
- Once the onions are done, add them and the sausage into the Dutch oven. Season the sausage mixture with salt and pepper to taste and mix in the maple syrup to coat.
- Coarsely tear the bread into chunks and stir into the sausage mixture. Sprinkle the top liberally with the shredded cheese. Pour the egg, milk, and cornbread mix over the sausage mix in the Dutch oven. Cover and bake this breakfast casserole for 45 to 60 minutes until baked through.
- At home, bake this in a 13x9 baking pan at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes until baked through and mixture is set in the center and browned on top.
- Servings: 4-8
Preparation time: 1 hour
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