Doug's Famous Potatoes
Bake the potatoes at home, leave them in the foil, and put them in the refrigerator after they have cooled. This will reduce the cook time at the campsite. Use as much or little seasoning as you like.
8 pre-baked potatoes
2 sticks butter
Cavendar's Greek Seasoning
Velveeta cheese
sour cream
- Cut the potatoes into bite-size chunks and place into a foil roasting pan. Slice up the butter and mix in.
- Add seasonings, cover pan with foil, and put on fire or grill. When potatoes are heated, add cheese and sour cream.
- Cover and heat until cheese is melted.
- Servings: 4
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Grocery List:
For three to four scouts
- 1 bottle of Cavendar's Greek Seasoning
- 1 container of 16 oz. Sour cream
- 1 heavy duty roll of aluminum foil
For eight scouts
- 1 bottle of Cavendar's Greek Seasoning
- 1 container of 16 oz. Sour cream
- 1 heavy duty roll of aluminum foil
For Twelve scouts
- 2 bottle of Cavendar's Greek Seasoning
- 1 1/2 box Velveeta cheese
- 2 containers of 16 oz. Sour cream
- 1 heavy duty roll of aluminum foil
Copyright © 2006 - Boy Scout Troop 259