Camper's Beef Stew

Using foil pouches for dinners while camping is a cheap and easy way to have delicious meals while camping. This recipe is a case in point, it is cheap and you have no clean up. You can dip the stew right out of the pouch and just toss it in the trash when done. You can also serve pre-buttered garlic bread that you buy at the store in the foil bag and throw it on the fire about 10-15 minutes before the stew is done. Then you can dip the bread in the stew pouch to soak up the remaining broth. As the old saying goes, this recipe "really hits the spot."

1 to 2 pounds stew meat
1 bag of frozen stew vegetables
1 pouch of McCormick stew seasoning
1/2 stick of butter
meat marinade of choice
heavy duty foil or foil pouches


  • Marinate meat. I put the stew meat in an air tight container with marinade right after breakfast to be chilled in cooler for the dinner meal.
  • When it is time for the dinner meal, use foil pouches or cut some foil in large enough piece to make your own pouch.
  • Place the frozen veggies, meat and some marinade on foil.
  • Sprinkle season package on mixture and add the butter right on top.
  • Fold foil into pouch and set right on top of fire or grill for about an hour to hour 1/2 until meat is done and tender.

  • Servings: 4
    Preparation time: 60 - 90 minutes

Grocery List:

For four scouts

  • 1 to 2 pounds stew meat
  • 1 bag of frozen stew vegetables
  • 1 pouch of McCormick stew seasoning
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 loaf of pre-buttered garlic bread [optional]
  • meat marinade of choice
  • 1 roll of heavy duty foil, or get some foil pouches [1 pouch per scout]

For eight scouts

  • 2 to 4 pounds stew meat
  • 2 bags of frozen stew vegetables
  • 2 pouches of McCormick stew seasoning
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • 2 loaves of pre-buttered garlic bread [optional]
  • meat marinade of choice
  • 1 roll of heavy duty foil, or get some foil pouches [1 pouch per scout]

For Twelve scouts

  • 4 to 6 pounds stew meat
  • 3 bags of frozen stew vegetables
  • 3 pouches of McCormick stew seasoning
  • 3 sticks of butter
  • 3 loaves of pre-buttered garlic bread [optional]
  • meat marinade of choice
  • 1 roll of heavy duty foil, or get some foil pouches [1 pouch per scout]

Copyright © 2006 - Boy Scout Troop 259