Campfire Foil Packs

This recipe is so easy and a good way to cook a campfire meal with all your meat and veggies with ease.

1 pound meat (hamburger, chicken, shrimp or beef tips/stew)
mixed fresh vegetables (potatoes, onion, broccoli, carrots, etc.)
butter (if meat has no fat)
salt and pepper, to taste
heavy duty foil or foil pouches


  • Prepare the foil packs at home, even the night before, and keep in a cooler.
  • Layout four foil sheets 12 inches in length, or open 4 foil pouches. [Note; Make one pouch per scout] Cut meat into bite-sized pieces, or shape hamburger into meat balls. Leave shrimp whole. Add a serving to center of each foil pack. Add chopped vegetables of choice to each. Broccoli cooks easily, so use whole florets. Potatoes and carrots are very hard, so slice into smaller than bite-size pieces. Add butter to chicken or shrimp to ensure the whole thing doesn't stick to the foil. Season and close the bag or fold foil with center seam and ends sealed well.
  • Fire preparation is the first order of business.
  • When the coals are hot, you're ready to cook.
  • Cook over fire. Can be done directly on coals, but you must turn more frequently. When you can smell them, they're done, about 20 minutes, rotating and turning often with tongs.
  • Test doneness on one pack before pulling them all off the heat.
  • Remove from heat and allow them to cool on the ground or other safe surface. Open carefully, steam may be hot. Eat from opened foil. All you need is a fork and beverage.
  • This recipe gets better with experience. Ingredient combinations can be modified each time to find everyone's favorite.
  • Vegetable-hating kids can even make this with hamburger and cheese, place cheese between two thin patties and wrap tightly.
  • Servings: 4
    Preparation time: 30 minutes

Grocery List:

For four scouts

  • 1 pound meat (hamburger, chicken, shrimp or beef tips/stew)
  • 1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables or you may use fresh vegetables (potatoes, onion, broccoli, carrots, etc.) ask your mom for help on getting the right amounts if using fresh veggies.
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 roll of heavy duty foil or foil pouches [you will need one pouch per scout]
  • Seasoned Salt or regular salt
  • Pepper

For eight scouts

  • 2 pounds meat (hamburger, chicken, shrimp or beef tips/stew)
  • 2 bag of frozen mixed vegetables or you may use fresh vegetables (potatoes, onion, broccoli, carrots, etc.) ask your mom for help on getting the right amounts if using fresh veggies.
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • 1 roll of heavy duty foil or foil pouches [you will need one pouch per scout]
  • Seasoned Salt or regular salt
  • Pepper

For Twelve scouts

  • 3 pounds meat (hamburger, chicken, shrimp or beef tips/stew)
  • 3 bag of frozen mixed vegetables or you may use fresh vegetables (potatoes, onion, broccoli, carrots, etc.) ask your mom for help on getting the right amounts if using fresh veggies.
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • 1 roll of heavy duty foil or foil pouches [you will need one pouch per scout]
  • Seasoned Salt or regular salt
  • Pepper

Copyright © 2006 - Boy Scout Troop 259