Burger Boats
This recipe can either be placed on a grill or laid in the coals. You can also make this as a whole dish instead of individuals, in the Dutch oven, or Crock-pot.
1 lb ground beef
1 small bottle of barbecue sauce
2 small onions, finely chopped
4 potatoes, finely chopped
4 carrots, finely chopped
salt and pepper, to taste
- Lay out a square of foil.
- Take a handful of ground beef and shape into an oval.
- Make a well, or boat, in the middle.
- Spread about 1 tablespoon of barbecue sauce in the hamburger well.
- Wrap up and cook until the vegetables are desired tenderness.
- Servings: 3 to 4
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Grocery List:
For three to four scouts
- 1 small bottle of barbecue sauce
- 1 roll of heavy duty foil or foil pouches [you will need one pouch per scout]
For eight scouts
- 1 small bottle of barbecue sauce
- 1 roll of heavy duty foil or foil pouches [you will need one pouch per scout]
For Twelve scouts
- 1 small bottle of barbecue sauce
- 1 roll of heavy duty foil or foil pouches [you will need one pouch per scout]