The Scoutmaster's Conference

The Scoutmaster's Conference

The Scoutmaster's Conference is a delicate part of the scout's advancement towards their ranks. Each rank earned, including the first rank of Scout requires the Scoutmaster's Conference. This will be the final requirement for all other ranks prior to the scout's "Board of Review".

As in everything else in Scouting, the Youth Protection Guidelines must be considered. Every Scoutmaster's Conference must be held in an open area, where others can see and be aware of your presents, but yet somewhat private so that the scout and the scoutmaster can feel that a conversation can occur.

** Never should a scout and adult leader be totally alone together, as per the requirements found in the Youth Protection Guidelines. An open area at a campout, or in a corner of a room where people are present will satisfy this requirement. Having "witnesses" present in the general area protects both the scout and the scoutmaster. **

The Scoutmaster and the Scout sits down in a confortable area for a talk about the rank that he is earning. Questions are asked about the skills that have been learned for the rank. The Scoutmaster's Conference is the time and place to go over all the requirements, where some demonstration can be used. By this I mean that you can ask the scout to demonstrate how to tie a square knot, or how do you treat for shock, etc.

This is where the "testing of knowledge" takes place. Most of the time, the test is verbal. The Scoutmaster can ask the scout about school, church (being reverent), and sometimes about attitudes and behavior of both the scout and others in the troop. As everything in scouting, some "growth" can occur during the conference. Lessons can always be learned.

This is also the time when the Scoutmaster can review the requirements for the next rank that the scout will be earning. A light discussion of possible Merit badges, leadership positions, and future troop activities will help the scout set goals for himself.

Finally, the Scoutmaster can prepare the scout for his "Board of Review". He should be able to prepare the scout for some of the questions that may be asked of him. The Board of Review can sometimes be a scarry thing for a new scout, as he will be in a room with several committee members, some of which he may not be totally familiar with. Give the scout the confidence that he will need for that final requirement!


Troop 259

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