It seems that I was born into a non-profit organization. Being the daughter of a minister gave me the understanding that part of your life is to give some of yourself to others. When my oldest son Jimmy was 7 years old, he wanted to join Cub Scouts. So off we went…onto an adventure with the Boy Scouts of America that I truly had no idea where it would lead.
Then along came my second son, Chris. When he turned 6 years old, it was then time for him to get involved in Boy Scouts. My role in scouting then became a major part of my life, as it also gave me such quality time with my sons. At this point, with both sons in separate dens, I became a trained Den Leader Coach, so that I could help their den leaders whenever they needed my help.
The older my sons got, the more we did. I soon became their Webelos Leader. Camping became something we always looked forward to. Tying rope to the kitchen chairs became an acceptable thing to do at my house. We had to learn those knots!! My personal favorite was first aid. Thanks to the Scouting program, I never saw a dirty, bloody knee or elbow. The boys knew they had to clean the wound before showing Mom. I had to educate myself on the qualities of backpacks, because I was determined only to have to buy each sons one pack to last them all through their scout life, and hopefully beyond. I had to learn new methods of cooking outside, so that I could teach the other boys how to do it. As they learned how to become Boy Scouts, so did I. Soon, we started living by the Scout Law. It's such a wonderful thing! My proudest moments were when my boys each bridged into Boy Scouts. I knew that they were ready!
But, was I?
It didn't take me long to find out. I became a part of the Boy Scout Troop committee, as advancement chairman. What a job that was! There was a lot to that job, and every Scout's chances of making Eagle was determined by how well I kept those precious records. Every dot had to be dotted, every t needed to be crossed! The paperwork had to be perfect, and that was my job!
As the years moved on, I became the proud mom of my first Eagle Scout, Jimmy. It had all been worth the time. Jimmy could handle himself in nearly every situation that crossed his path. He could manage his life, money, and responsibilities. The influence of the scouting program show in this young man of 17 years. The people who became role models for him were those I could trust. He's my son, yet at the same time, he is his own man!!!
Christopher is right behind his brother now, seeking out that special Eagle project. Using all his knowledge and resources, I know I will be witnessing his Eagle Court of Honor very soon. I think then, I will cry. My babies will be all grown up, and will have achieved goals that only a few ever achieve.
So what is mom doing now? Well, I'm now an Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 149 in Alamogordo, New Mexico. When the Scoutmaster introduced me to the troop, he said, "You will give her the same respect as you would me. And don't even question whether she knows what she's doing… she trained me! There's not much that Buffy can't do." So the adventure continues…..
Oh, how did I get the nickname "Buffy"? Well, it all started at Cub Scout Leader Woodbadge, where my nickname was "Harmony" in the Bobwhite Den. Then a few years later, I found myself going to Boy Scout Woodbadge, in the Buffalo Patrol. I just don't look or act like an old, slow buffalo, so my best "bud and partner" gave me the nickname "Buffy". (of course, I gave him the nickname of "The Beav"). I was a "buffalo with wings". Two years later I served on Woodbadge staff as a coach for the Fox Patrol. So now I'm a "foxy buffalo with wings". "Buffy" has stayed with me. I have worked at Boy Scout Camp for 5 years, and most scouts and scouters know me as "Buffy".
Scouting has become a very special part of my life. To live by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law is what my family tries to achieve. My family in scouting is large, and very special to me. I can always count on my scouting family for everything!! It is truly a special group. I love them all!
Buffy, that's me! Scouting, it's a great family, and a wonderful way of life!